Frequently asked questions
Below you can find answers to the most common questions our visitors usually have. Feel free to ask us any further information you might need about Shark Fin, scuba diving in general or your stay in Sithonia. We will be glad to help.
Is scuba diving risky?
Scuba diving, as any other water activity, has some risks. This is why we must follow simple rules and guidelines, which we learn during a diving course. Following these rules, scuba diving has become statistically, since many decades, one of the safest sports. When you choose Shark Fin for your diving lessons you are sure that you get the best quality in scuba training.
What is the age limit for scuba diving?
There is no maximum age limit for scuba diving. People can dive for as long as they feel comfortable with it and their physician approves it. The minimum age to get certified is 10 years old. 10 to14 years old youngsters get the same training with adults but with limitations in dive depth. 8 and 9 years old kids can try scuba diving in shallow, protected waters.
How long does it take to become certified scuba diver?
PADI Open Water Diver course is performance-based, which means you earn your certification when you learn the required skills and knowledge. There is no specific time limit. You will need to dive at least 4 days with your instructor, so it is advised to have 5-6 days available in Sithonia.
Do I have to pay for my certification all at once?
No, you don't (but you can if you want to). At Shark Fin you can pay half of the price to start the course and get your training materials and the other half when you get your certification!
Do I have to be a good swimmer to become a diver?
You don't need to be a good swimmer to participate in the Discover Scuba Diving course. To become certified Open Water Diver, you need to have basic swim skills, like normally swimming 200 meters and floating for 10 minutes.
Do women have special scuba diving concerns?
Only if they are pregnant. Diving could affect a developing fetus, so you shouldn't dive while pregnant, or if you are trying to become pregnant. Menstruation shouldn't normally keep you out of diving.
Am I physically fit for diving?
Anyone who wants to participate in scuba diving training must fill in a medical questionnaire in the diving center, required by law. lf you can answer NO to all of the questions, you can start diving immediately. If you must answer YES to at least one question, it means you must take medical approval first. Ask your doctor to consult with Divers Alert Network (DAN) when assesing your fitness to dive.
Are there dangerous animals?
Not really. Most animals tend to swim away or hide from divers. The only way to get hurt by an animal underwater is to disturb it accidentally or intentionally. We avoid to touch anything while scuba diving. This way we protect ourselves, but also the environment from our presence.
Why Shark Fin?
Choose​ Shark Fin because we always try to give you the BEST and we use these 4 letters to remember our priorities:
- Behavior: We treat you as a guest and diving partner and not as a customer.
- Equipment: We use top branded and most modern diving gear.
- Safety: Between more profit and safety, we always put safety first.
- Training: We provide personal training in small groups, while strictly following the PADI standards.
What if I find a better price?
Make sure that everything is included in the price, probably it is not! At Shark Fin we do not believe in low quality scuba diving services. This way we give you full attention and all the time you need, while maintaining the same or better prices than other diving centers.
What do I need to bring with me to the diving center?
Only your swimsuit and a beach towel. In sunny summer days, hat, sunglasses and face sunscreen are recommended.
Can I use my own mask during my course?
Yes, bring it with you. You can use any piece of equipment you already own. However, your instructor may decide to ask you to use the diving center's gear (included in the price) for maximum comfort and/or safety.
What if I want to dive again after my first dive?
Most divers get excited after their first dive and want to do it again. You can choose to dive again the same day or any next day. Or, you can go on and choose to get your Open Water Diver certification!
Should I choose e-learning for my course?
PADI e-learning is a good option for anyone who has no time to spend in the diving center's classroom, or has limited time during holidays in Halkidiki. You learn the theory of your course at home, anytime you like. You can contact your instructor online for any questions you might have. Then, you come to the diving center and complete your training dives here.
Does the e-learning course have the same price?
Yes, the cost is the same for all learning options. You can choose to start the course on PADI's website. The price you will pay there will be deducted from your course price. You can also choose to pay directly to Shark Fin. In that case we will send you a link to start your lessons online.